Girl with cold beauty - Uzumaki Nagato

September 09, 2020

Girl with cold beauty

Below is a portrait of a girl with a cold beauty. She was wearing a black dress, her hair was curly. She was looking at the scenery of the neighborhood around where she stood. In the distance are rows of green trees creating a special scene. This photo is copyrighted by photographer Uzumaki Nagato and posted only on my website.

Contact me for more details on the above photo

Author contact information (photo owner):

• Photographer: Uzumaki Nagato

• Email:

• Tel +84847.532.8386

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Image copyright © 2020 by Uzumaki Nagato

Copyright Registered. Published by Uzumaki Nagato

No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording. , In other words. Absolutely do not allow the act of posting work anywhere if you do not want to be sued by me for copyright. All images uploaded images here are my copyright

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